
The two-year programme in illustration and visual narrative aims to introduce students to the methods and techniques used by illustrators past and present. The curriculum focuses on developing students' conceptual and practical skills. In addition, the theoretical aspects of the programme aim to deepen their professional knowledge and broaden their understanding of society and culture. The programme encourages students to experiment with different techniques and concepts and to conduct further research. Students who complete this diploma programme can pursue further education at the tertiary level, with credits transferable to the institutions and universities of their choice. The selected institutions and universities evaluate the extent of transferable credits.
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The Illustration programme consists of 120 upper secondary school units, and the students will develop skills and competence on the fourth level according to the Icelandic Qualification Framework for Education. Each semester will focus on a specific subject matter, offering diverse possibilities to explore new perspectives and experiment with different methods. Additionally, all diploma students will attend seminars together where they can interact with professionals and scholars from other fields.

Programme details for Illustration.

1) Completed an upper secondary school matriculated exam in the arts or have equivalent qualifications.
2) Submit a statement of intent (50-100 words) discussing interests and goals for pursuing the programme.
3) Submit digital files of portfolios with selections of your own creations, and sketchbooks with at least 10 pages.
An admission committee reviews the applications and assesses the portfolios, and short-list applicants for interviews. The admission committee consists of the head of the programme, illustrators, cartoonists, animators, writers and artists who teach at the programme.
School year 2024-25 is ISK 580,000 (ISK 290,000 per semester).
Further inquiries about the programme, send email to head of the programme, Halldór Baldursson at